Spirea in Texas

There is no lovelier or more romantic shrub than a bridal wreath spirea.

Spirea is a medium sized deciduous shrub that produce cascades of flowers in spring, mid-March in Dallas.  They grow in long, leafy strands that produce small bouquets of white flowers.  They are stunning.  If you prune them, however, when the summer comes and blooms have faded, you will not have the beautiful cascading shrub you see below.  These are typically not hedge type shrubs.  Below you will find some thoughtful and creative ways to use the spirea – in Dallas.

Mid-March in Dallas, spireas are at their peak. This is an easy, easy shrub to root. Take a long branch in the fall, pull it to the ground, cover it with dirt and place a small brick over it. Next spring, it should have nice little roots.  Or take a long branch with green on the end, strip it of most leaves and place it in a pot you intend to water and fertilize all summer.  In the fall you will have a new spirea to plant in the ground for spring.

Bridal Wreath Spirea Blooms Mid-March Texas
Bridal Wreath Spirea Blooms Mid-March Texas
You want the lovely cascading spires but if you want to keep your spirea low growing, prune it deep, from the base in the center, early after it stops blooming. This allow fresh growth, with time for the flowers to develop for next spring, and keeps the spirea from getting too tall – or wide if that’s your issue. But you always want to keep most of the beautiful, broad cascading spires. The secret is to plant your spirea where it can ‘be itself’.
Bridal Wreath Spirea Blooms Mid-March Texas
Bridal Wreath Spirea Blooms Mid-March Texas
Spirea blooming in tandem with Loropetalum and Red Ruffle Azaleas.
See more on Loropetalum here.
Spirea blooming in tandem with Loropetalum and Red Ruffle Azaleas.
Bridal Wreath Spirea Blooms Mid-March Texas
Bridal Wreath Spirea Blooms Mid-March Texas
Bridal Wreath Spirea Blooms Mid-March Texas: Long branches prunded back inhibits spring beauty
The spirea above was trimmed so its cascading branches are gone.
Spirea Flowering Shrub
Spirea Flowering Shrub
Dogwood Tree
Spirea White Flowering Shrub

Spirea White Flowering Shrub

Spirea White Flowering Shrub

Spirea White Flowering Shrub


Good Blooming Combinations

Spirea blooms with  Wisteria Lady Banks Lutea and Cross Vines.  See more here.

Dogwoods and spirea bloom together.