Texas Lilac Vitex Tree

Texas Lilac Vitex Tree First Week of June

Texas Lilac Vitex Tree Texas A&M Superstar

Blooming companions read more here:  June Perennials.  

Year two for this beautiful Vitex.

Texas Vitex Tree Grove

Texas Lilac Vitex Tree Texas A&M Superstar.  These Vitex trees and still sending out small blooms in August.

Vitex just after blooming allowed to grow to mature trees.  See Woman’s Garden Dallas Arboretum for more.
Texas Vitex Superstar

Texas Lilac Vitex Tree

The Texas Lilac Vitex Tree blooms in late May and into June.  This tree was developed by Texas A&M. The Vitex Tree is heat, drought and pest tolerant. ‘Texas Lilac’ is a designation for several recommended cultivars including ‘Montrose Purple,’ ‘LeCompte,’ and ‘Shoal Creek,’ all of which are considered Texas SuperstarsTM.

Exposure: Full sun; partial sun
Size: Height 10-15 feet tall, up to 15 feet wide
Bloom Time: May till frost.
Texas Lilac Vitex Tree
Understanding which perennials work with the Vitex tree will help you build a garden that returns year after year.  You can cut your Vitex Tree down each year and it will return as a shrub or you can let it grow into a tree.See which perennials bloom with the Vitex Tree at June Perennials.

Texas Lavendar Vitex Tree Superstar
Cut your Vitex back each year and it will return as a shrub or let it grow into a solid tree.
Texas Lilac Vitex Tree
 June will be peak blooming time for Vitex trees.
Highland Park Park Nandina and Vitex Tree
The versatility of the Vitex tree can be seen when using it as just another complimentary plant, really neither shrub nor tree, just a beautiful, almost sculptured blooming plant.  With so many native Texas plants I find that’s the best way to consider them, just living pieces of structured art in the landscape.
Purple Flowering Tree - Texas Vitex
 This Vitex tree is only three years old.  These are fast growing plants.

Garden Walls in Dallas Texas

Grasses and Lavender Vitex

This pair of Vitex shrubs anchor as corner plantings.

 Vitex Tree a Native Texas Tree / Shrub


Blooms just as oak leaf hydrangeas fade and French Hydrangeas begin.


Vitex tree with Mealy Blue Sage and Lantana in the foreground.  These are great companion plants with echoing purple spike shaped blooms.  Lantana is also a great compliment planting with Vitex.
The Vitex Tree blooms before most crape myrtles.  Here it is seen with the first of the Crape Myrtle Bloomers, Bashan’s Party Pink Crape Myrtle.
Texas Lilac Vitex Tree
You know this tree will work in Texas as a trademarked Superstar.  It begins blooming heavily Memorial Day and then blooms sporadically throughout the summer and fall.  Vitex is coarse growing and will become a small tree quickly. Flowering is more spectacular if the plant is pruned heavily after bloom.
The Vitex Tree above accents a perennial flower bed that includes Purple Heart,, Lantana, Purple Cone flower, and Salvia Gregii.  See which perennials bloom with the Vitex Tree at June Perennials.

Vitex Tree on Side. Park truck in alley.

Vitex Tree year, two.

 Depending on weather plants will bloom again within six weeks of seed pod/stalk removal. It is best to remove the seed pods before they harden-the sooner after the bloom petals drop, the better, and the faster the plant will come back into bloom.  You may need to purchase a branch trimmer to get to the top blooms.  This is why you cut the tree down every year so it does not get too tall and you can remove the seed pods.
The Vitex blooms before most crape myrtles.  Only Bashan’s Party Pink Crape Myrtle blooms as early as the Vitex.
Russian Sage blooms with the Vitex Tree.  See more plants that bloom with the Vitex Tree Here “June Perennials.”
June Blooming Perennials in Texas

Russian Sage Good Blooming Companion

Crape Myrtles have a longer blooming season.  You can force reblooming of the Vitex by trimming back the faded blooms.  If you completely cut your Vitex back in the autumn six feet of growth will return the first year.
Texas Lilac Vitex Tree June Bloomer in Texas
Mealy blue sage and purple cone flowers bloom with the Vitex Tree.
This species, the Texas Lilac Vitex Tree, was created by Texas A&M from Mexican Lavender or the Chaste Tree. It has longer spikes, is drought tolerant, fast growing and a wonderful addition to your garden.
Yellow Vitex Tree

The Vitex Tree in yellow.  I am not familiar with this shrub but it took my breath away.  It blooms AFTER the purple Vitex tree and might be a great companion tree / shrub.

Salvia Gregii bloom with the Vitex Tree.
Yuccas and Russian Sage bloom with Vitex Tree.

Texas Vitex Tree with Mealy Blue Sage – Good Companions

Link Here for Companion Perennials to bloom with you Lilac Vitex Tree! More on Landscaping Here

Texas A&M did it again.Texas A&M developed a Super Vitex with long spiked flowers and it is known officially as the Texas Lilac Vitex; this is a rapid grower reaching 12 to 15 feet and in some instances in rich soils as much as 25 feet. More on Landscaping Here


Vitex Tree Just Before Bloom Period

 Other June Flowering Trees

Desert Willow Tree

The Chiltalpa is a cross between the Desert Willow and the Catalpa tree.  This is a native Texas plant.  The Desert willow is beautiful, but take care, the seed pods are poisonous.



Desert Willow

Desert Willow a Poisonous Plant

 Desert Willow in Cuba - Poisonous Tree

Rose of Sharon Althea Tree


Hardy Hisbiscus – Companion Bloomer.  This shrub can also be trained into a tree.  It comes in white, purple and pink shades.

Rose of Sharon Althea Tree June Bloomer in Texas

Rose of Sharon Althea Tree June Bloomer in Texas

Rose of Sharon Althea Tree

Rose of Sharon Althea Tree.  Often the multi-trunked Rose of Sharon is pruned into a tree.  It is beautiful as either a tree or a shrub, providing blooms in July and August in Texas.

 Pink Cloud Chitalpa

Chitalpa a cross between Desert Willlow and Catalpa. No messy pods.

Chitalpa a cross between Desert Willlow and Catalpa. No messy pods.


This five pound pick ax lives at my back door with my gardening shoes.  I never step out without it.  It hacks weeds, makes a quick hole for perennials and trenches for fertilizers.

Gardening with Ladybugs Here