Texas has a group of homes designed in the 1930’s that are charming beyond words. This is one and proof positive: Lupines grow in Texas!

Charming Texas Architecture

Charming Texas Architecture

Lee-Ann-Torrans-Texas-Charm-1Dallas Landscaping Lee Ann Torrans Garden Gates and Doors Garden Gate

Yellow Artemesia - Dallas Landscaping and Gardening Lee Ann Torrans

Yellow Yarrow

Charming Architecture in Texas

Charming Architecture in Texas

Wisteria Vine with Japanese Maples, Cast Iron Plant and Cross Vine

Wisteria Vine with Japanese Maples, Cast Iron Plant and Cross Vine

Texas Charming Architecture

Texas Charming Architecture – Fatsia planted at entrance

Small House in Dallas Texas Dallas Gardening and Landscaping

Written by : Lee Ann Torrans

Cinco de Mayo Texas Rose Prolific Bloomer

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