Muskogee Crape Myrtle – Large Pale Lavender Crape Myrtle

Muskogee Crape Myrtle and Bashan’s Party Pink or Lavender Crape Myrtles both reach 25 feet.  Muskogee has the longish weeping branches similar to the white Natchez Crape Myrtle.
Read more on all purple Crape Myrtles here.
Muskogee Crape Myrtle tall pale lavender crape

Muskogee Crape Myrtle tall pale lavender crape

The pale lavender is a great summer color and mixes with perennials.  While the limb structure is upright the crape creates an umbrella effect that is broad.
Muskogee Crape Myrtle
The Muskogee canopy is not quite as broad as Natchez but the growth pattern has much in common with the Nathchez.  The Muskogee reaches about 25 feet in height in Texas.
Muskogee Crape Myrtle
This lavender phlox looks like Blue Paradise, which is a blue lavender color reaching almost three feet, depending on quality of soil.  Laura Summer Phlox is the same size but a pink lavender color.   Miss Kelly is a smaller lavender phlox reaching only two feet.
These mature Muskogee crapes have been ‘topped.’  Don’t do that.  They will bloom later and less profusely.
Muskogee Lavender Crape Myrtle
 Cropped Muskogee crape myrtle.
This crape is taller than Muskogee and reaches thirty to thirty five feet in height.  It does not have the weeping branching structure.  Instead the pannicles grow upward.
Muskogee Large Lavender Crape Myrtle
Muskogee Crape Myrlte Lavender with Summer Phlox
These trees quickly mature to a height of 15-25 ft.…the perfect height for a hedge tree. Highly mildew resistant which is not a problem in Dallas.  The phlox looks like Prime Minister which grows 24 to 36 inches — though I cannot be certain.
Read more about Summer Phlox here …

The Crape Myrtle Guy

The best place I know to get Crape Myrtles delivered to your door is from The Crape Myrtle Guy, a football coach at Waxahachie High School in Texas.  He guarantees his crapes and they are reasonably priced.
Summer Phlox: Prime Minister, 24 to36 inches tall

Bashan’s Party Pink

 Muskogee Crape Myrtle
Again you see the Muskogee Crape Myrtle with multiple floral plantings including Mealy Blue Sage and Portulaca.
Muskogee Large Lavender Crape Myrtle

Twilight:  Large Deep Purple Crape Myrtle

A slightly darker and larger Crape Myrtle is the Twilight Crape Myrtle seen below.  Twilight has a broad wide canopy.
Muskogee Crape Myrtle
In mid-June the park at Swiss and Oak is a sea of swirling, swaying lavender branches of the Mukogee.
The sun falls through their lacy branches as they blend with the summer clouds. This park, two blocks north of Baylor Hospital is rippled with lavender blooms. No where will you ever find a grander planting of the Muskogee Crape Myrtle than here. (Muscogee Crepe Myrtle  – Lavendar)
  • Heavy flowering in clusters with lavender blossoms
  • Fast Growing up to 5 ft. per year
  • Highly mildew resistant

Bashans Party Pink Crape Myrtle

If you want a serious bloomer, with long term impressive blooms, look further.
Muskogee Crape Myrtle
One of the first Crape Myrtles to bloom.  Today on May 28, 2014, the Bashan’s Party Pink Crape Myrtle is saying hello, in Dallas.A favorite of commercial landscapers.







It is quiet on this restored street.  You can see the skyscrapers of downtown Dallas, the city rumbles just blocks away in each direction, but here, the wind born petal of purple crape drift through the air and puddle on the ground.  The faint floral smell of the crape myrtle is every where and I am transported to my grandmother’s home where I played as a child amongst the evergreens with the stately row of over a dozen crepe myrtles towering behind it all.

And always, in the summer, when the afternoons became deathly hot, windows open, I would hear the lady across the way, weeping for the daughter she lost.  The daughter who boarded the train to college, and never arrived, never found, never heard from again, so many, many years ago.  Sometimes I would hear the grownups discuss this, always in whispers, always with concern.  And I am still a living witness to their pain.



Bashan’s Party Pink Crape Myrtle


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june2011-1This is Texas. This young man is riding against medical advice with a broken back.